Wednesday, September 21, 2011

WIAW 4: Non-stop Days

This week is jam-packed full of the longest days. Monday, I left my apartment at 8:45am and didn't get home until 9:30. Tuesday was no different.

Luckily for you, though, I tracked it so I could jump in to my favorite weekly event! Seriously, it gets me through hump-day.
It's time for WHAT I ATE WEDNESDAY!!! Thank you do Jenn @ Peas and Crayons for hosting again!

Tuesday started of bright and early at 6:30am. This is unheard of for me! But, I really wanted to make it to the gym today (I just didn't have time yesterday, and I missed the energy it always gives me). So, i rolled my ass out of bed and forced myself to the gym. Luckily, my roommate and I had made plans to go together. It really helps motivate to know that someone else is going with you.

After the gym and a much needed shower, it was breakfast time (8:30ish)
Obvs, it was oats. This time with strawberries, flax, cinnamon and a dollop of almond butter in the middle.
Let's discuss this almond butter... I really don't like it. Being the broke college girl that I am, I bought the jar that was on sale: chunky and no stir. Blech! I really don't like the texture at all. It's almost pasty instead of the unctuousness of the my beloved almond butter. And, it's waaaay sweet. Too sweet. Just give me some pulverized almonds in a jar, please. Well, that's what I get for being cheap. I've been thinking about trying to make my own, and this little snafoo has decided it for me. I'm doing it.

When it melted into the oats, it was tolerable, but I still think I will donate this stuff to the roommates.

I headed to class at 9:00 accompanied by this:
Full of java brewed with cinnamon with some almond breezy. Yes, we have a purple futon. Be jealous.
After class and an hour or so of studying at the coffee shop in the union, I was ready for a snack. I also needed to pack a lunch so that I could continue studying all afternoon and meet the Hunk for lunch. So, I headed home.

Snack time(11:00ish):
Rice Krispies, original Puffins, and PB Puffins with more almond breezy. A fav combo right now. I am obsessed.
I also refilled the travel mug and packed up lunch. Then, headed back to the union to camp out for some serious productivity.

Around 1, the big guy met me at my camp site for some lunch (1:15ish) during his break from class:

All packed in my perfectly teacher-appropriate lunch box.

It contained a wrap exactly like this one: hummus, tomato, broccoli slaw, cukes, lettuce, and spicy mustard. Carrots and grapes.
That awesome lunch box also held my pre-class snack (4:30):
organic gala and the rest of y sunflower seed stash mixed with raisins.
I got out of class at 6, and by the time I got home, checked emails and chatted with my roomies it was near 7:30 and I was effectively starving. Time for some dinner:
sauteed veggies: onions, broc slaw, cauliflower, zucchini. tomato sauce. over no-oodles.
 Has anyone ever tried NoOodles? I was intrigued and ordered some. Oy Vey! These things are bizarre. Packed in water. Kind of slimy and gelly. No taste. Weird. I ate the whole bowl, but I don't think I will be buying them again. They get a C.
Dessert: mini bowl of my favorite cereal combo. In an Indians cap bowl with my teeny spoon totally necessary.
This bowl was followed by some snackage of the rest of my box of PB Puffins. Soooooo delicious.

Off to my Spanish Club meeting followed by conversation hour at my favorite Mexican restaurant. There may be some beer drinkage. I can't help it there.

Busy, productive, positive day! Bring it on Wednesday!


  1. That does sound like a busy day!I love your baseball cap awesome! :D

  2. Woah, crazy busy!
    My favorite kind of day :)

    I love teeny spoons too! They fit my teeny hands better

  3. wow how did you ever find time to eat? haa. That said, everything looks delish. except the almond butter. What kind was it? Was it smart balance? I tried their pb and it was just aweeeeeefulllll. I'm a natural nut butter gal too.
    Mixing cereals is fun. I love to do that and eat them one by one.
    noOoodles are like those calorie low noodles like shirtaki right? I had a yam cake made of that stuff today and it had just the most awkward texture. I threw it out it tasted like eating rubber!
