Thursday, August 25, 2011

Impending Ending

I hate to think that in just 12 short days, summer will officially be over and fall quarter classes will be starting. Oy Vey! I don't think I am ready for that. I just turned in my final paper for my summer class, I just checked my sched for fall, and yep, I'm registered for one busy quarter.  Now I have just under 2 weeks to really enjoy some free time before starting everything all over again: fitting together a double major, classroom observations, 2 (maybe 3) jobs, working out, and hopefully a social life. Whoa, buddy! Bring it on, senior year!

But wait! I still have 12 days to kill before all of that starts. 12 more days to relax and work on making it though the summer bucket list that Hunkster and I started compiling waaaay back at the end of spring quarter.

For those of you who are unawares... it is alist of things we wanted to try and do together before the end of the summer:
Please excuse the unsightly picture and the perfectly un-seasonal Santa Claus list paper.

 Obviously, HunkyBear wrote it. Here is some of what it includes and some pics of the things we have successfully crossed off.

Summer Bucket List 2011:
~ Louie Louie's (sic)- correctly spelled "Lui Lui's" its a delish Asian-fusion restaurant with lots of great, healthy veggie options. We have been twice now, and it is turning into a new favorite despite the always mediocre service. Next time, photos will definitely be taken.

~ Stephen's: still un-checked off, a swanky restaurant uptown... waiting for fatter bank accounts before hitting this place up.

~ New Market: an international market about a 5 min drive from home. We hit this up after the Farmer's Market one Saturday. So much fun! We are definitely going again when I run out of soba noodles.

~ Salsa Lessons: always been a dream of mine

~teach William to play guitar:  something he's been asking me to do for a while now... he officially knows 6 chords. I would say that is some progress

~ West Side Market: Cleveland's huge farmer's/gourmet market. You better believe we are making it there at some point in the future! 

~ Blueberry Picking: completed... but not with William. I went with his sister and mom. We picked almost 30 pounds of bloobs! Most are now frozen and waiting to be put to use in my frezzer. Yummm!

~ Captain America 3D: check! Such a great comic-book-nerdy good time!

~ Cedar Point: not done... boo! Still dying to go.

~ Winnie the Pooh Movie: bet you can guess who picked that one :)

~ The Red Barn: where Hunksauce worked in high school and one of Ashland's finest attractions.
No ice cream for me.. but I did have a scrumptios lemon-lime slush and some penny candies. Talk about sugar overload!

~ Learn the "Thriller" dance: a life-long goal for both of us... I mean, who wouldn't want that, right!

So, we managed to accomplish 6/12. That's 50%. Not to shabby, right? I think so. But that will definitely not fly in my future classroom. We have 12 more days to cross some more off the list. Too bad everything else would be hella expensive. I wonder about hopping the fence to Cedar Point...

1 comment:

  1. I loveeed the WTP movie! And I love how your Summer Bucket list was written on Christmas paper ;)
