I have slowly been feeling better since the break up last week. It was definitely a stumbling block that I wasn't expecting. Like at all. It came literally out of nowhere. The hardest part is just how weird things feel right now. I was doing really well all week...probably because I was insanely busy. Then, things slowed down this weekend. I had a lot more time to think and over analyze everything about the last few weeks we were together. It was literally heart-wrenching for me, but I was doing a good way of faking my way to being ok.
That was until I saw him out this weekend. I saw him from afar at the football game, and out at the bar last night, and both times he completely ignored me. I just feel like this is all so unfair. He made this decision, but he won't own up to it. He just (literally) runs in the opposite direction.
ell, needless to say, I had a couple of breakdowns yesterday. So exhausting. Thank goodness I had my awesome friends a roommates to help me through it. I don't know where I would be without them. They have been awesome supports for me this week, and I know they aren't going anywhere. Even though they won't e reading this, THANKS EVERYONE for dealing with me, helping me, and making me see that there are other people out there besides him that truly care about me.
Moving on to something more positive, here's a snippet of the things I've been up to this week!
Some recent eats:
Some much needed chocolate therapy. Vegan brownies. Adapted from this recipe. Definitely delicious. Definitely going to be made a gain. Huge A. |
Since I couldn't be home, I had to do something to welcome in the new year. So, I gathered all of my roommates and friends... and the one other Jew I know here in Athens, my ex, Alex... in my kitchen to light candles, drink the wine, and say the prayers to welcome in the holiday. I was missing the boy like crazy because this is something we had talked about doing together. But, as my roommates reminded me, I had all of the other people in my life there with me. I wasn't alone, and it was really heart- warming for them all to take time out of their busy schedule to participate in something that means so much to me. I seriously love them!
My make-shift set up. I made the apples pretty for you. |
Lighting the candles. I knew those little tea lights would come in handy for something. |
Even though it's a few days late (again, intention is what matters),
Happy New Year, everyone!
L'Shana Tovah!
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